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Northeast Power Grid Company held a talk on incorruption of cadres before taking office

Release time:2022-08-31      Hit count:172

At present, Northeast Power Grid Co., Ltd. has organized the cadres who have passed the first round of competitive recruitment examination of Party group management cadres at and below the head of the Department to have a talk on integrity before taking office. Jin Ruchuan, member of the Party group and head of the discipline inspection group of the company, presided over the clean government talk and made a speech. The meeting also conveyed the "report of He Guoqiang on the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Discipline Inspection Commission" and the Central Committee's Circular on several cases of violations of laws and discipline. In his speech, group leader Jin Ruchuan congratulated the cadres participating in the meeting on behalf of the company's Party group, and put forward five requirements on how to strengthen honesty and self-discipline and achieve honest employment, namely, to continuously strengthen learning, build a solid ideological defense line and strengthen the transformation of the world outlook; Correctly treat the power in hand; Strengthen the awareness of the rule of law and the concept of discipline, and make orders and prohibitions; Overcome the psychology and thought of comparison; Party constitution, system and regulations are often used for self inspection. Group leader Jin Ruchuan pointed out that the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee held not long ago made the decision on several major issues concerning Strengthening and improving Party building under the new situation, which set new requirements for strengthening the building of Party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle, and also set new requirements for the broad masses of Party members and cadres. It is hoped that the cadres participating in the talk on clean government will work hard, work hard, and work incorruptedly, Make greater contributions to the development of Northeast Power Grid Company.

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