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The three-level pilot work of State Grid social responsibility management was launched

Release time:2022-08-31      Hit count:313

On October 27, the launching meeting of Zhejiang Jiashan County Power Supply Bureau, the pilot of comprehensive social responsibility management of State Grid Corporation of China, was held in Zhejiang, which marked the comprehensive launch of the pilot work of comprehensive social responsibility management of power supply enterprises at provincial, prefecture, city and county levels. Before that, the company has launched the pilot work of provincial and municipal power supply enterprises in Tianjin electric power company and Jiangsu Wuxi power supply company. Since taking the lead in releasing the social responsibility report among domestic enterprises in 2005, the company has gradually explored a way to learn from international experience and adapt to the actual situation and development needs of the company, which has been widely recognized by the government and the society. The social responsibility reports issued by the company over the years have been highly praised, the social responsibility research ability has been highly praised, and the social responsibility practice has been highly valued. Up to now, the company has won nearly 20 national awards, and reached the highest level in the history of Chinese enterprises in the 2008 Fortune Global 500 corporate social responsibility ranking. In order to further promote social responsibility management, the Party group of the company made the strategic decision of taking the lead in exploring "comprehensive social responsibility management" in 2008. The pilot work carried out in Tianjin company is not only pioneering among domestic enterprises, but also leading among international first-class enterprises. In July this year, the company further decided to further promote the pilot from the level of Prefecture, city and county power supply enterprises, as an important starting point for promoting the "two transformations" and strengthening the construction of internal quality and appearance. The pilot work in Jiangsu Wuxi power supply company has achieved obvious results, and the enterprise's ability to fulfill its responsibilities has been significantly improved. Zhejiang electric power company attaches great importance to the work of corporate social responsibility. According to the theoretical model of corporate social responsibility, it has issued the annual social responsibility report for three consecutive years, which is widely praised. Jiashan County Power Supply Bureau has carried out a lot of work around high-quality services, services for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", environmental protection and energy conservation, and civic responsibility. It attaches importance to the construction of stakeholder participation mechanism, laying a good foundation for the pilot work of comprehensive social responsibility management. The company selected Jiashan County Power Supply Bureau as the pilot unit of comprehensive social responsibility management of county-level power supply enterprises, aiming to explore the establishment of a social responsibility management system for county-level power supply enterprises and realize the efficient integration of internal and external resources. The pilot work has been highly valued by relevant government departments and relevant authorities. Relevant responsible persons of the Research Bureau of the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the Jiashan County Government of Zhejiang Province attended the launching meeting. Representatives of the Research Center for corporate social responsibility of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the China Network Office of the United Nations Global Compact, the WTO economic guide and other relevant parties attended the meeting. (Zhao Junbao)

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