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Zhu Yongpeng of Guodian group investigated East China regional company

Release time:2022-08-31      Hit count:173

From October 23 to 26, Zhu Yongpeng, general manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party group of Guodian group, led a research team to East China to conduct research, focusing on Lianyungang wind turbine production base of united power, Longyuan Donghai biomass power plant, Jiangsu company and East China branch. The main purpose of this investigation is to supervise and inspect the completion of the annual business objectives of each unit, ensure the smooth realization of the annual business tasks of the group company, and make preparations for planning the work next year. During the investigation, Zhu Yongpeng pointed out after carefully listening to the work reports of relevant enterprises that under the background of the current international financial crisis, a major change in the energy field is taking the new energy industry as the direction. All units should deeply study and implement the scientific outlook on development, fully understand the importance and urgency of vigorously developing new energy to lead enterprise transformation, and accelerate the development of clean energy and high-tech industries. At the same time, we should attach great importance to the rights and interests of employees and do a good job in benefiting the people. Zhu Yongpeng emphasized that Su Long's experience and Tao Jianhua's deeds are intangible spiritual wealth and the sublimation of ideas in the process of reform and development of power generation enterprises. Through the "double learning" activities, the ideas of cadres and employees of power enterprises have been greatly changed. We should continue to learn the essence of Sulong's experience, especially the power plant should vigorously develop relevant industries and unswervingly carry out the "double learning" activities. In Lianyungang fan manufacturing base, Zhu Yongpeng inspected the production situation of the general assembly workshop, blade forming and type repair workshop, and carefully inquired about the relevant production process and manufacturing process. After carefully listening to the work reports of United Power Company, Jingde solar energy technology company and Ningxia solar energy Co., Ltd., Zhu Yongpeng pointed out that Kehuan group shoulders the glorious mission of the group company to develop new energy, and has a huge responsibility and a long way to go; It is necessary to attach great importance to the urgency of developing relevant industries, accelerate the pace of development, and lay a foundation for the group company to occupy the strategic commanding height in the new round of competition; As a wind turbine manufacturer of the group company, united power should further improve its market awareness and crisis awareness, innovate the system and mechanism, establish a modern enterprise management concept, and establish an innovative enterprise. In Donghai Longyuan Biomass Power Generation Co., Ltd., Zhu Yongpeng went deep into the whole package straw conveying line, the fuel inlet channel and the centralized control room of the power plant to carefully inspect the operation of the fuel system and the unit. After knowing in detail the various business indicators of straw power generation, the recent implementation of equipment transformation of Donghai power plant and the next work plan, Zhu Yongpeng fully affirmed the entrepreneurial spirit of all employees of Donghai power plant to strengthen their confidence and seek development. Zhu Yongpeng pointed out that the biomass power generation industry is an important part of the group company's development of new energy, and we should establish confidence and persist to the end; At the same time, he demanded that the Donghai power plant should seriously carry out equipment transformation and try to expand the radius of straw purchase. In Jiangsu company, Zhu Yongpeng spoke highly of the remarkable achievements made by Jiangsu company in tapping potential and increasing efficiency since its establishment one year ago, and fully affirmed the achievements made by Jiangsu company in carrying out the "double learning" activities. He pointed out that Jiangsu company, as an active participant in the "double learning" activity, has been pursuing excellence, and is still benchmarking advanced and innovating management while achieving good benefits. At the same time, Jiangsu company has provided the experience that can be used for reference in terms of system and mechanism, and explored a set of provincial-level company management models in practice. He stressed that in terms of fuel management, Jiangsu company should attach great importance to the issue of fuel stability and give full play to the advantages of the group company's fuel supply "three pieces and one line"; In terms of development, we should properly handle the relationship between increment and stock and accelerate development; In terms of employees' rights and interests, we should attach great importance to the interests of employees and care about their health. In East China branch, Zhu Yongpeng led the investigation team to have a discussion with the main responsible persons of the power plant, and learned about the development of production and operation, fuel management and other aspects of the power plant in detail. Zhu Yongpeng pointed out that the majority of cadres and employees of the East China branch have a good mental outlook, the leading group is united, and the quality of cadres is high. Through self pressurization and benchmarking Jiangsu company, they are more and more in-depth in the aspect of double learning, and many indicators are relatively advanced in the group system; To speed up development, the strategic position of East China is important. East China branch should further improve economic efficiency and speed up the pace of development; It is necessary to strengthen fuel management and make it clear that the power plant is the main body of coal business and the plant director is the main responsible person of coal business; We should strengthen the building of the contingent of cadres, enhance their ability to innovate and learn, and improve the quality of cadres; We should conscientiously implement the ten projects to benefit the people and truly benefit employees through enterprise development. The responsible persons of relevant departments of Guodian group company participated in the investigation, and the main responsible persons of Kehuan group, Longyuan Group, East China branch and Jiangsu company respectively reported their work.

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