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Huaneng Huang Yongda inspected Shaanxi Qinling Power Plant

Release time:2022-08-31      Hit count:186

Huang Yongda, Secretary of the Party group of China Huaneng Group, and Zhang tingke, deputy general manager, went to Qinling Power Plant of Shaanxi Province to inspect and guide the work. Accompanied by Xiao an, Secretary of the Party group and general manager of Huaneng Shaanxi company, and Su Lixin, general manager of Qinling company, Secretary Huang and general manager Zhang went to the 600MW unit expansion site and the 200MW unit production site. At the expansion site, Secretary Huang and general manager Zhang inquired about the expansion of 600WM unit in detail. At the production site of 200MW unit, Secretary Huang and general manager Zhang inquired about the safety production status of the unit in detail. Subsequently, Secretary Huang and general manager Zhang listened to the work report of Qinling company in the conference room of the dome room. After listening to the report, Zhang tingke, deputy general manager, pointed out that Qinling Power Plant has made great contributions to the economic development of Shaanxi and has also sent a large number of talents. According to the report, first, Qinling company still has many difficulties. It is an important task for Qinling company to further turn losses into profits, save energy and reduce consumption, and ensure safe and stable production. Second, this year's # 7 unit's large-scale and small-scale projects# It is an important task for Shaanxi company and Qinling Power Plant to carry out the project of "boosting the large and suppressing the small" of unit 7. I hope you can seize the precious period before the year and pass the EIA as soon as possible. Third, Qinling Power Plant must make scientific planning, reverse the passive situation in the current work, seize the opportunity of "big pressure small", and strive for the new youth of the enterprise. Fourth, team building. The vast number of employees of Qinling Power Plant is a valuable resource. We must make good use of it, fully integrate the practical activities of the scientific outlook on development, clarify the ideas, truly implement the new ideas formed in the activities of the scientific outlook on development in the follow-up scientific development, and make new and greater contributions to the development of the group company. Secretary Huang first conveyed the cordial greetings and thanks of the group company to all cadres and employees, retired employees and their families of qindian, and affirmed the contributions made by our company in the development of the group. Secretary Huang pointed out: since the acquisition of Qinling Power Plant by the group company in 2007, under the leadership of the group company and the joint efforts of Shaanxi company and Qinling company, Qinling Power Plant has maintained the stability of production safety, the stability of the staff and the stability of the operation order, and made due contributions to the economic and social development of Shaanxi and the development of the group company. In the future work, first, Qinling Power Plant should find its own position in the group system, actively overcome such unfavorable factors as obsolete equipment, large number of personnel and heavy burden, and strive to make the work to a new level. Carry forward the spirit of overcoming difficulties, translate the consensus and achievements obtained in the learning activities into concrete actions, and formulate effective measures against such adverse factors as backward equipment, weak market, sluggish sales, and a sharp decline in utilization hours. We should continue to implement the safety production responsibility system, continue to implement safety evaluation, focus on the construction of teams, create an atmosphere of safety production, and always maintain a good safety situation. Second, we should do a good job in energy conservation and emission reduction. We should attach great importance to energy conservation and emission reduction, take effective measures, and create resource-saving and environment-friendly enterprises. We should focus on the "two rates" of coal consumption rate and auxiliary power consumption rate. Third, we should pay attention to efficiency. We will do everything possible to generate more power, control costs, strive for price policies that are conducive to improving efficiency, and do everything possible to reduce costs and increase efficiency, so as to turn around losses and reduce losses. Fourth, we should pay attention to development. To change the fundamental face of the power plant, we still rely on development. We should ensure that # 7 unit is approved before the end of the year and # 8 unit is started as soon as possible. Fifth, we should do a good job in team building and team building. We must firmly establish firm confidence in doing a good job in enterprises and strengthen ideological and political construction. Take the creation of "four good groups" as the carrier to create a qindian leading group with good political quality, good business performance, good unity and cooperation, and good style and image. Pay attention to the construction of the staff and workers, transform qindian into an important force for the development of the group company in Shaanxi, and provide talent guarantee for the development of the group company. In the face of the current difficulties, Qinhuangdao Electric Power Co., Ltd. should resolve the burden and go to the battle light to ensure better development. On the issue of insufficient funds, we should strengthen communication with the Finance Department of the group. The group company will do its best to help qindian tide over the difficulties. I believe that under the unified leadership of the group company and the joint efforts of the cadres and workers of Shaanxi company and Qinling Power Plant, we will certainly create a brilliant future.

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